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10 years of Kubernetes

“You’ve grown up so fast!” 🥹

Caleb Woodbine <calebwoodine.public@gmail.com>

KuberTENes celebration in Wellington, NZ

☸️ Happy Birthdaynetes 🎉

I’m sincerely grateful for fellow friends in Kubernetes contributor community and the uplift on the industry.

Hi, I’m Caleb! 👋

☁️ Kubernetes contributor since 2019.

🏠 Wellington, New Zealand.

💻 Software and infrastructure engineer. Cloud & Open Source enthusiast.


Kubernetes in past years 🗓️

Kubernetes v1.0 ☝️

First commit by Joe Beda: June 7, 2014 (2c4b3a5). Including the work of Ville Aikas, Tim Hockin, Dawn Chen, Brian Grant and Daniel Smith.

Google announced at DockerCon 2014.

“Yet another container orchestration system”

CNCF founded 🚀

in 2015, a new brand of the Linux Foundation was founded.


All is new* ✨

New APIs…

  • Pods
  • Services
  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • ServiceAccounts
  • ReplicationControllers
  • PetSets

via v1.0 -> v1.8

*collected thoughts from production infra at Google put as new APIs

Surprise support 😲

AWS started supporting Kubernetes via EKS in 2017, two years after the initial release.

Stable 🔮

and conformant APIs

  • networking
    • EndpointsSlices
  • applications
    • Deployments
    • StatefulSets (formerly PetSets)
    • HorizonalPodAutoscalers
    • PodDisruptionBudgets
  • storage
    • PersistentVolume(Claim)s
  • batch
    • (Cron)Jobs
  • security
    • RBAC

and many more - via v1.9 -> v1.30

Other important things to come from the project 🔥

Community in bloom 🌼

individuals 77,115
companies 8,012
countries 44
commits ~123,000 or 33 a day
kubecon+cloudnativecons 16

stats: cncf.io/reports/kubernetes-project-journey-report

Trivia 👀

  • there were an early kubectl-like utilities called cloudcfg and kubecfg
  • api-server could be accessed without auth, including exec calls (scary!)
  • Docker-only-ness – no CRI here (yet!)

Fruits of our labor 🥝

  • boring, consistent and reliable infrastructure
  • open governance
  • neutral cross-vendor collaboration & conformance
  • you here today

It was worth it 🙏

Uplift, make new and come together